Putting yourself out there - publicly, creatively, can be hard. There is no way of knowing how people will respond, whether they will appreciate your idea and share your vision. The weeks before I launched the Kickstarter for MAINE Knits I was extremely nervous. I kept putting it off and finding reasons not to click that button. At a certain point, I told myself, "I just need to jump." I knew I'd done all I could and that if I ever wanted to see the project sink or swim I'd have to hit "Publish."
Your support was, is, completely overwhelming. I keep choking up every time I think about the fact that 546 of you believed in this project, believed in ME. And not just my friends and family, but many, so many of you whom I've never even met. I am blown away by your support, and so, so grateful.
You've made a dream come true.
I am so excited to be moving forward with this project, which was put on a hold while we answered the question "But can we raise the funds?" You answered loudly. Not only did we raise the funds, we raised enough to add more pages! It is going to be beautiful.
Now the work begins. I'm at my desk emailing yarn companies, getting yarn to designers and nailing down details about our work over the coming months. I'll be putting together embroidery kits, dyeing yarn, and getting you all your Backer Gifts. There's a lot of excitement and a lot to do.
I'm moving through my to do list with a joyful, grateful heart.
Thank you for making this possible.