August has this way about it, doesn't it? The mad dash to fit in the last bits of summer, sand and sun. A reckless sprint toward the finish line, while simultaneously gearing up for the start of new rhythms. It's been no exception round these parts; I've had multiple projects in the works, deadlines, photo shoots, and small children to juggle. But as the end of summer approached, and I realized we hadn't been away all summer, we took a last minute vacation. (Right on the heels of a vomiting ER visit I might add. Everyone is fine.)
Vacation! It was a good one. Filled with family, lots of beach time and the perfect evening cook out on the beach on our last night. Returning to real life has been.... well... ugh. Despite the rather unceremonious return to real life, I'm looking forward to school starting for one of my little's, and very much looking forward to getting into a routine again.
Most of all, I am looking forward to sharing my very first collection of patterns that I'll be releasing in just a few short weeks. I've been working on this project for months and I just cannot wait to share it.
In the meantime, I'm hoping that things will become a little bit more regular around this blog of mine. And that those temperatures start to dip - just a little bit! - so I can wrap my favorite shawls around my shoulders again.
What kind of knitter would I be if I wasn't totally looking forward to Autumn?