Harvesting: Radishes, Spinach, Arugula, Mizuna, Mustard - greens!
Awaiting: Peas, Mint, Garlic Scapes, Spring Turnips, And more and more greens!
Planting: Lavender, Nasturtium, Herbs (that have died off)- and *almost* tomatoes and the like
Blooming: Lilacs!
Enjoying: The first bits of the garden making it onto our dinner plate and making the world a whole lot more colorful.
Notes: It used to be that Peter and I knit together and gardened together. Parenting has a way of sifting activities - so that only the ones most important to you remain. For me, that's knitting. For Peter, that's gardening. So I truly can't take credit for most of the vegetables that come out of the garden these days. Peter has worked hard and become such a competent gardener, meanwhile, I try to sneak flowers (which Peter only plants if they are companions to his tomatoes) in anywhere I can. But I am grateful for his hard work that feeds us so well! Someday it will be a team effort again.