If you've followed me over from my blogger blog, you may have noticed something missing. The 52 Project, a portrait a week of each of my children. I thought and thought about whether or not I wanted to continue doing them (and continue any personal/parenting blog posts on my new site as well.) The answer, after much deliberation, was yes. I like having these treasures to look back and see how far our children have come, how mch they've grown. But I don't always love them as a beautiful portrait, and those weeks, I wasn't excited about sharing them on the blog. So, I haven't stopped taking portraits of my kids, just relaxed a bit with posting so frequently. (I've been posting some over on Instagram while I got this new site up and running.) So while you will see some portraits of my kids from time to time, I will be more lenient about posting them. Keeping some portraits just for our family, and not feeling like I have to post one every week. Just sharing them with you when they are works I am proud of (and that I don't think my kids will hate me for sharing when they are teenagers). So here are a few of my favorites so far this year. You can expect the next installment.... sometime.