I've long followed Melody's blog. Honestly, I could live in her photos. Nature walks, knitting, and sips of tea? And quiet, or so I imagine it to be. You can find her blog here and on Instagram here.
First, would you tell us about your knitting history- ie., where did you learn to knit and how long have you been knitting?
I’ve been wanting to knit for a very very long time. It all started when i was in high school, and one of my classmates came to school one day with a beautiful black chunky scarf. She told me that her grandmother knit it for her, and I thought that it was the most amazing thing ever. A couple of weeks passed, and I decided to ask my mother to teach me how to knit. We practiced with a very thin baby pink wool -the only yarn that we had a home at that time, and some metallic needles. But after a few attempts, I had to admit that I wouldn’t learn that way. And it’s only a few years later that I decided to give it another try.
That was during a long Summer in France, I was preparing to spend the next year in China, and I had the whole Summer ahead of me. I took advantage of that free time, and decided that this was the perfect moment to give knitting another try. So I went to the only yarn shop that I knew in Paris, and got some Christmas red yarn, which was probably a sport weight, and some 10mm needles. I didn’t know how to read the yarn label or what swatching was at that time. I came back home, and immediately started. I remember spending hours and hours, sitting on my bed, watching videos online, trying to master the knitting and purl stitch.
I finished my scarf in China, and wore it during the very cold Winter months. During the two years that I spent in that country, I barely touched the needles. And it’s only when I came back to France that I really started to get interested. Now i cannot imagine spending a day with my needles.
Where does your love for shawls come from; is there anyone in your memory who wore or knit them, or is it something that happened when you started knitting them?
My love for shawls is very recent actually. I never thought that I would become a shawl kind of lady! I knit my first shawl a couple of months ago, and wore it almost everyday. It was so much fun knitting it and the final knit was so satisfying that I decided to design my first shawl shortly after. They are the most comfortable thing ever. They are so versatile and easy to wear. I simply adore them.
Is there a shawl in your personal collection that stands out as most-worn or favorite?
As I said I’ve only knit two shawls so far, and they both have a special place in my heart. Shaelyn is the first one that I knit and it will always be a favorite because that was the first one. And Canopy is my first shawl design. They are both knit in Road to China Light, which is one of my favorite yarns.
Do you have any favorite patterns or yarns when it comes to shawls?
There’s so many beautiful shawls patterns out there! So many that I would love to knit! I have a list of favorites as long as my arm -Quill is one the top of the list (http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/quill-2). For the choice of yarn, I will always try to knit shawls with a very drapey kind of yarn. Though I would love to try Brooklyn Tweed Loft.
Finally, any tips for styling or wearing a shawl?
Triangular shawls are the easiest thing to wear. I simply wrap them around my neck, and I’m ready to go. They are the best allie to a plain, simple dress!